Branded Video Creation Tool for Healthcare Practices

Physician & Practice
Videos Made Easy

Create Quick & Unique Branded Videos to Attract Patients

What is a Branded Video?

Create videos that describe your services, treatment approaches or just simply share your specialty knowledge with your audience. Branded video content is a key component in increasing brand recognition and practice revenue.

You can create…

Expert FAQ videos

Personalized brand videos

Treatment videos

Demos & Surgeries

…and so much more!

How to Create a Branded Video with CaptureMD?

Establish yourself as a thought leader with a well-produced branded video. CaptureMD works like a professional production company where you record videos on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop and we do the rest. No editing is required!

Select branded video feature in your CaptureMD dashboard
Record a video up to
90 seconds
Choose music and call to
action and submit

Educate Your Patients & Grow Your Practice at the Same Time

CaptureMD’s Video Marketing Suite is Easy to Get Started On!

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