Physician & Practice
Videos Made Easy
Create Quick & Unique Branded Videos to Attract Patients
What is a Branded Video?
Create videos that describe your services, treatment approaches or just simply share your specialty knowledge with your audience. Branded video content is a key component in increasing brand recognition and practice revenue.
You can create…
Expert FAQ videos
Personalized brand videos
Treatment videos
Demos & Surgeries
…and so much more!
How to Create a Branded Video with CaptureMD?
Establish yourself as a thought leader with a well-produced branded video. CaptureMD works like a professional production company where you record videos on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop and we do the rest. No editing is required!
90 seconds
action and submit
Educate Your Patients & Grow Your Practice at the Same Time
CaptureMD’s Video Marketing Suite is Easy to Get Started On!