How is Video Marketing Beneficial for Doctors? | Video Marketing for Doctors

How is Video Marketing Beneficial for Doctors?

Doctors should use the power of digital marketing. And making videos is a big part of that; here’s why!

You might not think of “marketing” and “healthcare” as two words that go together. Healthcare providers, like orthopedics and oncologists, are very different from retail businesses, so the idea of marketing their services might seem strange.

But marketing can do a lot more than just try to sell things. A good marketing plan also teaches, informs, and entertains the people it is meant for. And what could be more important to teach people than how to take care of themselves?

How Video Affects Healthcare

Whether it’s through apps on our phones or sensors that we wear, technology is becoming an increasingly important part of how we get health care. Telehealth, or virtual visits to a doctor, is a trend that has grown a lot in the last few years.

In short, things are changing in the health industry in a good way. Your healthcare marketing plan needs to catch up and show off all the exciting, life-saving innovations that are happening right now. Video is the obvious way to get there, whether you’re doing inbound or outbound, business-to-business or business-to-consumer marketing, or social media marketing.

What Types of Videos can a Doctor Create for Marketing?

There are a lot of things you can do with video, but there are some categories that are always good places to start. Here’s a small list of the many uses of videos to market health care:

  • Descriptive and awareness videos – These videos aim to teach or inform their viewers. Explainer videos are a great way for your clinic to share information about how people can improve their health or work on an issue
  • How-to videos and demonstrations – Videos help show people how to do things that have to do with healthcare. No matter how you use it, video marketing makes it easier for your audience to remember what they learn and increases interest
  • Office tours – Let’s face it, a lot of people worry and feel stressed out when they go to a hospital or clinic. That’s why videos can be such a powerful way to introduce them, then share them on your social media sites or on your website to get more people to visit!
  • Staff interviews – When patients can get to know your staff before they come in, it puts a face to your business and can help calm some of their nerves. These videos can be very short or they can be a little longer, and they’ll give your staff and doctors a chance to talk about what they’ve learned, what they’ve done, and what they’re good at
  • Patient testimonials – Some of the most powerful stories a future patient can hear are from people who have been through the same thing they have. Because of this, patient testimonials can be a source of reassurance, guidance, and a valuable connection for anyone who is thinking about becoming a patient of your clinic, no matter what procedure or treatment they are looking for
  • FAQs with a doctor – Who hasn’t thought of a dozen random, important questions they’d love to ask a doctor or nurse? This video strategy works really well for live streaming on social media because your doctor can answer questions from the audience in real-time, and it can also work on other platforms—all you have to do is collect questions from your audience ahead of time

Tips for Doctors when Creating Video Content

Follow these tips to make sure your video is easy to understand, full of useful information, and maybe even a little bit of fun. This will give you the best chance of getting a good return on investment and making a video with the effect you want.

  • Keep it short and simple, your videos shouldn’t be longer than 60 to 90 seconds
  • Tell a story, tell your story!
  • Focus on useful information and educate your patients
  • Get the right equipment, and no, this doesn’t mean go spend thousands of dollars on video equipment, a decent iPhone will do the trick
  • Always use subtitles
  • Choose music and sounds wisely
  • Graphics are important, make sure your logo is clear and your call to action is easy to follow

With CaptureMD, our tools are here to help you achieve all of these suggestions and more. We wanted to establish an easy-to-use platform for doctors to use without worrying about how to put together their video content. With CaptureMD, all they need to worry about is taking the video itself, and we will do the rest!

Wrapping Up the Benefits of Video Marketing for Doctors

As you can see, there are a lot of video options for health care. Everyone in the medical field, from administrators to marketers to doctors, wants to educate patients so they can make good decisions and avoid stress and anxiety related to their health.

This is a natural thing to do with video. Patients respond to video, which could be because it is the most human way to talk online. And with tools like CaptureMD, it can be easy, cheap, and even fun to make online videos.

Whether You are a Solo Practitioner or a Large Practice

Start Creating Video with CaptureMD

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